Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Dear Daughter, Please Teach Your Children The "TRUE" Meaning Of Christmas...

Dear Caitlin,
     As I sat in church Sunday and listened to the sermon, I decided to write this post.  You know that I am so in love with the Christmas season and it's not just because of the decorations, festivities and gift giving.  It is because of a tiny baby born so many years ago...The Christ Child.

It saddens me to think of the children out there who have no idea what the "True" meaning of Christmas is.  I was raised in church, therefore, I knew that I would always raise my children in church and with Christian values.  That is why one of our Christmas traditions has always been to honor the "True" meaning of the season by focusing on the Christ Child that was born to save the world.

I love the tradition of our family gathering together on Christmas Eve and heading to church for that annual service.  You were born in December so I think the first time I ever took you to church was for the Christmas Eve Service that year.  The Christmas story is always read from the Bible, we sing carols and then each family lights a candle on the tree at the front of the church.  I find myself sitting and reflecting during that time about how blessed we are.  Blessed to all be together, blessed to be healthy, blessed to have roofs over our heads...but mostly blessed that we have a Savior who loved us enough to come into this world as a tiny baby and then die for our sins.

It is my prayer that you will raise your children in church.  Teach them not about "religion" but about a "relationship" with the Lord.  Teach them the "True" meaning of Christmas...This is the thing in life that is important.  This is what will bring meaning and peace to their lives.  This is an everlasting gift that you can give your children.

"But the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid.  I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.  Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.'"
Luke 2: 10-11

MERRY CHRISTMAS to you this first year you are so far away from us.  I am so happy that you will be back in the south only one week from today!  I cannot wait to see you and Baby Holli and celebrate her upcoming birth with your baby shower and then Christmas.  I LOVE you...and miss you MORE!

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