Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Baby News

Dear Mom,

Okay so I know it has been a LONG time since I have wrote back:(  I haven't been feeling very well as you know, which is why it has taken me so long to finally write back! This morning I was again, feeling awful but finally went and picked up my medicine to help with the morning sickness (aka all day sickness). I took it about an hour ago and finally am feeling SO much better! I also went to pick up my new prenatal, but decided not to get it because the price was rediculous for just a months supply! I'm going to have to call my doctor back and see if she will call me a different one:) Plus the last one she put me on made me feel so sick for days.. so maybe a new one would be best!

The fast few weeks have been so long.. I have had work everyday and I am just ready for Friday to get here:)) I can't believe this Thurday I will be 9 weeks..I am so ready for week 12 though! I get to see Baby Jarrell again and hopefully all is great! So a few updates on how my body and mind has been changing since I have been pregnant...

I started off weighing 92 pounds before I got pregnant and I have already put on 8 pounds:) Which means I'm 100 pounds again:) The doctor said that it's great I have put on some weight because it will only make the baby heathier!

Some foods I have been craving (when I'm not feeling sick) are sweet and sour candy! No chocolate just stuff like jolly ranchers, lolly pops, those really good lolly pops that are green apple with caramel on top and sour patch kids! Some other things I have been craving are pancake syrup (this started today) :) So get the picture.. SWEET! It's so strange that all I have been wanting is sweets now because I have never really had that sweet tooth before.

I have found that sleeping at night is not my favorite thing to do anymore :( That is generally when my stomach feels the worst and I can never get comfortable. I can't imagine what it will be like when I'm really big!lol What I have been doing a lot lately is sleeping during the day though... I always feel SO tired!! It's like I never feel rested. The doctor says thats pretty normal though.

Lastly, I have been reading the books you gave me.. they have been very helpful and not too overwhelming... YET! I'm still looking into getting into a birthing class for Kevin and I.. because we both know I will need that!! The thought of having a baby scared me.. but hey, it can't be that bad if so many people continue to have kids, right?!? I've also been watching those shows where they show the births.. not a good idea!! Goodness... maybe if I don't think about it, then it won't be so bad!

Oh and one more thing that has changed... I am way more emotional than before (if that is even possible)!! I feel so bad for Kevin because my mood swings are so crazy sometimes. Hopefully this will pass.. because I hate feeling weird and not being able to say why I feel the way I feel .

Anyways.. other than working I haven't been up to much. I need to start getting out of the house some because staying home makes me want to go crazy sometimes!! I can't wait for you to come back up in Septemeber to see me:)) Hopefully by then I will be feeling a LOT better!

Well I hope y'all don't lose electricity when the storm hits!! I wouldn't  know what to do if I couldn't get in touch with anyone! Keep me updated or send me a text if you do lose service so I know everything is okay! I love you so much and miss you more than anything!! Talk to you soon:)

Love, Caitlin

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Just A Note Before The Storm Hits...

Dear Caitlin,
     I thought I would write a quick note before this storm hits Louisiana.  You know that our electricity goes out during a regular thunderstorm and I'm not really sure what Isaac will bring for us.  David and Ryan made it in last night and will be here until the officials in their programs say they have to return to New Orleans.  I bought water and other items yesterday and today to prepare for whatever comes our way but I really hope we don't lose electricity and I also that there will be no threat of tornadoes during the next couple of days.  You know Sissy and Annie don't like to go outside when it is even sprinkling so they are definitely going to hate this!

How have you been feeling?  Better, I hope.  Guess what I did...I put the beginning of each new month of your pregnancy on my cell phone calendar! (ha ha!)  SO...Thursday "Baby Jarrell" will be at the 9 week point in your belly and this is what I found out about him/her:
     Your little one is about 1 inch long; the size of a grape
      Its little eyes have formed but they are fused shut; they won't open until 27 weeks
      Its embryonic tail is gone
      The heart finishes dividing into 4 chambers and the valves begin to form
      The external sex organs are there...but you won't be able to see them for a few more weeks
      It has earlobes and the mouth, nose and nostrils are more distinct
I am SO excited!  Can you tell?!  Although I only want a healthy baby I must admit that I am anxious to find out if it is a boy or girl.  Parker will be such a good cousin; I can't wait to see her with "Baby Jarrell"!  Have you been reading those books I bought you when I was there?...

As you know, we had Parker's 2nd birthday party Saturday.  She LOVED EVERYTHING about it.  Of course, it was a DORA PARTY!  Here are a few pictures and videos of it...

                                      Here is her trying out the gift you and the boys got her!

                                                Here's the kitchen that Dad and I gave her. 

                                                     Can you tell how much she liked it?!

            And look at her cute "Birthday Outfit"!  Sarah ordered the shirt and made the tutu.

And here is the hand print picture that Justin, Sarah and Parker made in San Diego last summer.  I finally had it framed to hang in her room!

But this is probably my favorite video.  She REALLY liked her cupcakes...I think she ate 4 that day!

Well, I just wanted to check on you and send you this note because if we do lose our electricity tomorrow, I won't be able to talk to you (I'm sure we will lose cell service too).  I hope your morning sickness starts to get better.  I love you and miss you (MORE!).

P.S.  I almost took the brown flip-flops back when I was there and you convinced me not to, however
        it will soon be too cold for you to wear them there so I'm considering swiping them when I



Friday, August 24, 2012

Missing "Mommy Jarrell"...

Dear Caitlin,
     I'm sitting here at home trying to recover from this jet lag; I think traveling has gotten the best of me and I'm ready to stay put for a little while (can you believe I said that?!)  Visiting you, of course, was wonderful....leaving not so wonderful.  And now that you are going to be a mommy, I will really miss getting to watch you go through your pregnancy day by day.  I will try to visit as much as I can and have already booked my next plane ticket to come see you in September when Dad goes on his first hunting trip of the season.

I will have to admit that there are actually a few things that I liked about Ohio (I know you must be surprised!).  I really like the nice cool weather in August (out hottest month of the year...) and the fact that you have lots of Panera Bread restaurants there.  I like all of the great shops in close proximity to your apartment (which I will be visiting frequently while there...) and the outdoor eateries.  Still there are also some things that I don't like either; mainly the fact that YOU (and "Baby Jarrell"...) are there and I can't see you very often.  The people there are not very talkative (aka:  "friendly")...I guess that's why they say we have "Southern Hospitality"!  I keep telling myself, "5 years isn't that it?!"

I am SO happy that I got to go with you to your first doctor's appointment and see Ya Ya's precious next grand baby on the sonogram AND hear it's sweet little heartbeat...

I'm sorry that you have been feeling sick, but that should pass in the next few weeks.  Just remember to drink you ginger ale or Sprite and eat crackers.  And nap and rest as much as you can.  I know that I just got home but I already can't wait to see you in a month to see how much "Baby Jarrell" has grown!

Now, for what I want to plan for us to do on my next visit:  I want us to go to that city wide antique fair that will be going on the weekend I arrive.  I also want to try out that awesome looking nail salon over in Crocker Park and I definitely want to see what Broadway show will be in Cleveland and perhaps go to it one night while Kevin is working late.  But most of all...I just want to get to spend time with you.

As you know, Parker Ann's birthday party is Saturday.  David and Codi and Ryan and Allison will all be there.  We will, of course, miss you...BUT I will hook the computer up to SKYPE during the party so you can see her open her presents and eat her cake.  You know, she has been saying, "Ca Ca is having a baby"; it is so cute!  She has been watching me knit "Baby Jarrell" a lovey and she picks it up on the knitting needles and rubs it on her face.  She is going to SO love her baby cousin.

Well, I am going to sign off for now; just wanted to send you a quick note to let you know how much I enjoyed our visit this past week and look forward to the next one.  I love you and miss you (More!...)

Friday, August 10, 2012

Just A Skip, Hop And Jump Away!

Dear Caitlin,
     Well, it's just a skip, hop and jump visit to see you, that is!  This time next week I will be headed to Cleveland to see you and can I just tell you, I CAN'T WAIT!

Since coming home from California, Dad and I have not stopped.  We have been in New Orleans since Tuesday, staying with David this trip.  It has actually been a nice little side trip for me because I have gotten to sleep in every morning, get up and write a little and then hit the town to explore.  Wish you were here with us, though.  I found a great nail shop on Magazine Street where Codi and I got manis and pedis...

            But don't worry...I will find YOU a nail spa there in Cleveland too when I visit!

I talked to the new vet's office yesterday and Annie will finally be able to come home this weekend.  Poor baby, she has been SO sick; she was on an IV for 3 days!  But they told me she is better now and ready to come home.  I know that Sissy will be happy to see her too!  I just wish there was some way to bring them with me to your house, but I know that isn't possible.  Maybe I could hire a doggie sitter for them so they don't have to leave home.

This was when I brought them home from boarding the other day...before I knew Annie was so sick and going to have to spend the week in the Pet Hospital.

Did you get the invitation to Parker's birthday party?  It is so cute with her picture on it...and DORA, of course.  I've really got to get on the ball and get her kitchen before I leave for your house; I think she is going to LOVE pretend cooking in it.  Maybe we can shop for her present from you while I'm visiting.  And we will definitely SKYPE for her birthday party.  Can you believe she will be going to school 2 days a week this fall?!  She's just growing up WAY TOO FAST!

  How CUTE is she in her pajamas and swim hat?!  She STILL loves playing with that little farm.

Well, I have a pretty big surprise for you...Do you remember Ms. Judy who used to paint with me?  She has Red Door Art.  The studio has moved over on the road by Haverty's now and she contacted me this week to see if I would like to take a studio space there!  I'm going to go by there Saturday when I get home to look at it, but am pretty sure that is where I will be painting and writing from now on!  How exciting is that?!

We have had fun while here in New Orleans, but it has rained every day.  Oh, I'm not complaining since it has kept things cooled off...

                                               Yesterday, there was actually flash flooding.

                  So after a yummy lunch at Le Madeleine, just around the corner...

                                     We all found that it was the perfect time for a nap!

However, after nap time, Dad thought it was a great time to teach David how to make home made pizza!  He did a good job and dinner was delicious!

Most days after the rain, we have gotten out to eat at some pretty good places here in New Orleans, though...

                                                           This is a whole red fish!
                                                  And Double Chocolate Bread Pudding!

And then we INSISTED that Dad take us down to Sucre' for a sweet treat last night.  This place has been featured on the Food Network...

                                               Dad trying to decide what he will have...

                       Well, needless to say we had some VERY YUMMY treats there!

Dad is working for a while this morning and will be back to get me soon so I better get up and get dressed.  I couldn't go down to the French Quarters yesterday because of all the flash flooding but am planning to do so before we head home.  I am planning on going to the little knitting shop down there because the owner is going to teach me a new technique (which I hope to pass on to you...) I am excited about learning.

I will try to write again before we leave next week.  The longer you are gone, the more I miss you (sad face here...).  I love you and am counting down the days until I get to see your face in person!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Jet Lag And A Sick Baby...

Dear Caitlin,
     Well, as you know, I've been pretty busy for the past week.  Dad and I decided to beat the heat here and head to San Francisco for a few days with Doug and Sandra.  We had a GREAT time and the weather was a much needed break for us...OK, with the exception of a side trip we took to Yosemite; it was HOT there!

                                                            Waiting for a trolley car ride...

This picture was taken just before we got on our guided tour tram of Yosemite.  I was smiling because a small breeze had just swept over me (notice how inappropriately I'm dressed...) and I said, "Thank you, sweet Jesus, for sending that breeze!"  Dad said that sounded like Mam-Maw Parker...

Dad settled for rolling his pants up...taking his shoes off...and pouring water over his head.  He was really wishing for his pocket knife to cut those pants off, but you know he couldn't take that on the plane...thus the rolling up of the pants!

       Regardless of how hot Yosemite was, it was still as beautiful as I had remembered.

And, of course, no trip to to San Francisco would be complete without a visit to wine country; Day 3 found us in Napa!

I HAD to have Dad take my picture in front of this poster at one of the vineyards since we LOVE that movie!

                        There WILL be shipments of some wonderful wines arriving soon!

                                     AND a box of great yarns and knitting patterns too...

We got back late Thursday night, just in time to watch Parker Ann for the weekend while Justin and Sarah went to New Orleans with some friends.  What we didn't expect, however, was that Parker would get sick with a stomach virus.  After a fun time swimming Saturday morning, she and I headed out to visit Mam-Maw, Caki and Rylee (I hope none of us get that nasty virus...) and all of a sudden she got really sick....

                         This is the new swimsuit Dad bought Parker in California...Cute, huh?!

                                                       Parker was having fun playing one minute...

                                         And the next, we could tell something was wrong...

                          The rest of the day she had to drink Sprite and eat jello and Popsicles.

Dad felt so bad about her being sick that he had to give her one of her birthday presents early.  As you can see, it definitely made her feel better!

OH...And did I mention that Annie was also sick when I picked Sissy and her up from the vet?  Yea, so while cleaning up after a sick baby, I was also cleaning up after a sick dog (who was being quarantined in my bathroom) AND suffering from a good bit of jet lag (sigh...).  Sissy, however, has enjoyed sleeping on the foot of my bed while poor Annie has been sick.

Justin and Sarah have just left with Parker and I am finally able to sit down and rest for a minute.  But you know how that get past that really tired stage and then you can't even catch a cat nap.  Oh well, I plan on staying home most of the day tomorrow and catching up on my laundry while watching all of my taped television shows from last week.  It's only a week and a half until I will FINALLY get to come see you!  I am so excited to get there and just hang out with you and explore your new city.  I am going to sign off now, though since Dad is cooking us some supper...maybe the wonderful smell will lull me to sleep for a few minutes!

I love you and MISS YOU MORE!!!