Friday, August 24, 2012

Missing "Mommy Jarrell"...

Dear Caitlin,
     I'm sitting here at home trying to recover from this jet lag; I think traveling has gotten the best of me and I'm ready to stay put for a little while (can you believe I said that?!)  Visiting you, of course, was wonderful....leaving not so wonderful.  And now that you are going to be a mommy, I will really miss getting to watch you go through your pregnancy day by day.  I will try to visit as much as I can and have already booked my next plane ticket to come see you in September when Dad goes on his first hunting trip of the season.

I will have to admit that there are actually a few things that I liked about Ohio (I know you must be surprised!).  I really like the nice cool weather in August (out hottest month of the year...) and the fact that you have lots of Panera Bread restaurants there.  I like all of the great shops in close proximity to your apartment (which I will be visiting frequently while there...) and the outdoor eateries.  Still there are also some things that I don't like either; mainly the fact that YOU (and "Baby Jarrell"...) are there and I can't see you very often.  The people there are not very talkative (aka:  "friendly")...I guess that's why they say we have "Southern Hospitality"!  I keep telling myself, "5 years isn't that it?!"

I am SO happy that I got to go with you to your first doctor's appointment and see Ya Ya's precious next grand baby on the sonogram AND hear it's sweet little heartbeat...

I'm sorry that you have been feeling sick, but that should pass in the next few weeks.  Just remember to drink you ginger ale or Sprite and eat crackers.  And nap and rest as much as you can.  I know that I just got home but I already can't wait to see you in a month to see how much "Baby Jarrell" has grown!

Now, for what I want to plan for us to do on my next visit:  I want us to go to that city wide antique fair that will be going on the weekend I arrive.  I also want to try out that awesome looking nail salon over in Crocker Park and I definitely want to see what Broadway show will be in Cleveland and perhaps go to it one night while Kevin is working late.  But most of all...I just want to get to spend time with you.

As you know, Parker Ann's birthday party is Saturday.  David and Codi and Ryan and Allison will all be there.  We will, of course, miss you...BUT I will hook the computer up to SKYPE during the party so you can see her open her presents and eat her cake.  You know, she has been saying, "Ca Ca is having a baby"; it is so cute!  She has been watching me knit "Baby Jarrell" a lovey and she picks it up on the knitting needles and rubs it on her face.  She is going to SO love her baby cousin.

Well, I am going to sign off for now; just wanted to send you a quick note to let you know how much I enjoyed our visit this past week and look forward to the next one.  I love you and miss you (More!...)

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