Friday, June 29, 2012

Missing You "In Person"...

Dear Caitlin,
     I told Dad that other day that Skype reminded me of the old episodes of "The Jetson's"; who would have ever thought back then that we would be able to see the person we were talking to on the telephone!  Oh well, I sure am glad that I get to have morning coffee with you; it's the next best thing to having you sitting right here with me in the mornings.
     I really slept in this morning; I was just so worn out from getting up early every day this week that I didn't crawl out of bed until 8:30!  I don't have too much planned for today.  I think I will go get my nails done first thing this morning where there won't be many people at the nail shop.  Then, I need to come home and put up all that laundry that I have been folding and hanging up all week long.  And then, I think I will FINALLY tackle all of the decorations from your wedding reception that I haven't had time to put away yet.  Hmmm...Did I just say that I wasn't going to do much today?!  Well, I will do as much as I can, depending on the "heat factor" today.
     As you know, I kept Parker again yesterday and we had a great time, as usual.  I love that she now says, "I love you" and "Hug you".  She helped me with the laundry the other day and yesterday she decided to help me out with unloading the dishwasher...

                       I'm pretty sure I would never have let y'all do this...OK, I might have!

I know that the lemon spray reminds you of me; do you know what reminds me of you?  TEA!  Remember all of that tea that you brought me right after you graduated?  I've been brewing a cup nightly and every time I drink a cup, I think of YOU...

LOVE this teapot that Dad got me this year for Valentine's Day; One of my new "Favorite Things"!

                                 The cup that I drink my tea out of is one from my wedding china.

I need to call and check on Sarah this morning; see how she is feeling after her wreck yesterday afternoon.  I'm so glad that Dad was home to go up and help her out with that.  I am also so thankful that she didn't get hurt and that the baby wasn't with her. 

Well, I suppose I need to get up out of this bed (Yep...I'm acting like this is a Saturday morning...) and get going.  You need to call Dad or Justin to see if they have booked your flight in yet because if they haven't, I am going to be coming up there to see you!  Oh, and by they way, I went ahead and got you a hair appointment for that Friday just in case you do make it here.  I asked Eryn about what you should do about trying to find someone in Cleveland to do your hair.  She said, "Just ask someone whose hair your like, where they get theirs done."  Hmmm...I told her that didn't work so well in D.C. when the guy first turned you into Malibu Barbie and then the next time turned it gray!  She had forgotten about that.

I am planning on getting out and doing some things with Caki tomorrow if I'm feeling OK.  It's been a long time since we have done something on a Saturday so I hope I feel like going; keep praying that this thyroid issue works itself out and I start feeling good again.

Dad, Ryan and I will all be heading to the lake house on Monday to prepare for the 4th.  Aunt Cindy and Uncle Clint will be there for four days and I know that Dad is looking forward to spending some time with his family this year.  We won't be having as many people over for the 4th this year as we usually do and it won't be the same without you there, but I will take some pictures to post for you.  You do the same if you and Kevin find some sort of celebration to attend there. 

Here are a few more pictures of others who miss you...

                                                                 Poppi and Parker

                                                                            Parker Ann

Sissy and Annie miss you too!  They just don't seem to get the skype thing; they hear your voice but don't see you!

OH...I almost forgot!  They delivered Dad's Father's Day present yesterday.  He was VERY surprised...

                                        The Big Green Egg.  I can't WAIT for him to use it!

OK...So, I'm REALLY getting up now.  I hope you have a great Friday and weekend.  Let's try to Skype again today if you have time.  I love and miss you MORE!

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