Monday, June 18, 2012

A "Beachy" Day...

Dear Caitlin,
     After we got all of those groceries unloaded (the elevator came in very handy...), Sarah fed Parker and put her down for a nap.  Then, we headed to the pool (which is right across he street from us...) to enjoy it for a couple of hours.  Once Parker got up from her nap, it was time to take her to the beach.  And can I just say...SHE LOVES THE BEACH!  She wasn't even afraid of the water, which of course, makes our job out there ever more difficult since we have to keep a VERY close eye on her at all times.  I can't WAIT for you to get here tonight, but wanted to share some of the pictures I took of her playing in the sand...

                                                  Don't you just LOVE those sunglasses!

                                    Sarah wrote, "Happy Father's Day" in the sand for Justin!

After the beach, we headed back to get all of that sand off of us and soon afterward, Dad, Justin and David arrived.  Justin and David won their flight in the golf tournament this year!

Well, Justin, Sarah and Parker are all headed back out to the beach this morning (early morning and late afternoon are best for "Baby Girl"...) and the rest of us are just sort of lazing around here.  Hey!  Want to see the view from my balcony?

It's very quiet and peaceful here, with that soft breeze blowing that keeps it from being hot.

Oh, and I bought some marshmallows to roast too!  Look at this great fire pit that sits in our back yard...

We are going to have SO MUCH FUN!  So, HURRY up and get here!!!

                                                                                                Love you and can't WAIT to see you,



  1. How do I follow this one? I don't see the follower list.

  2. Lori, The blog design is complete and there is now a "Follow" button up!
